
2022年國產(chǎn)車(chē)載攝像頭模組出貨TOP 10





潮電智庫估算,2025年會(huì )是車(chē)載模組對國外反超的時(shí)間節點(diǎn)。


從“2022年國產(chǎn)車(chē)載攝像頭模組出貨TOP 10”統計榜單可以看出,前三海康威視、德賽西威、豪恩汽電均為T(mén)ier 1,舜宇和歐菲等傳統光學(xué)大廠(chǎng)緊隨其后,兩大陣營(yíng)競合發(fā)展。潮電智庫分析認為,對于汽車(chē)體系的產(chǎn)品邏輯理解,以及車(chē)圈資源,傳統Tier1具有先發(fā)優(yōu)勢;光學(xué)廠(chǎng)商規模制造的經(jīng)驗則更為豐富,而且有鏡頭產(chǎn)品的加持。


按發(fā)展趨勢,車(chē)載攝像頭模組頭部企業(yè)的市占率將持續增長(cháng);二線(xiàn)隊伍如不豐富產(chǎn)品線(xiàn)將有可能淪為代工角色,毛利會(huì )逐步降低;以智能座艙解決方案為主,模組為輔進(jìn)行布局的供應商,可能淡出市場(chǎng)。





Top 10 Domestic Car Camera Module Shipments in 2022


According to the statistics of Electrend, the global shipment volume of vehicle modules in 2022 is approximately 230 million. It is predicted that a growth rate of 20% can be achieved in 2023, and the shipment volume is expected to surpass 300 million.


The Electrend estimates that 2025 will be the time point for vehicle modules to counter foreign overtaking.


From the "2022 Top 10 Domestic Car Camera Module Shipments" statistical list, it can be seen that the top three companies, Hikvision, Desay SV, and Horn Automobile and Electric, are all Tier 1, followed closely by traditional optical giants such as Sunny and Ofilm, with the two major camps competing for development. According to Electrend, traditional Tier1 has a first mover advantage in understanding the product logic of the automotive system and the resources of the car circle; Optical manufacturers have more extensive experience in large-scale manufacturing, and have the support of lens products.


According to the development trend, the market share of top companies in car mounted camera modules will continue to grow; If the second tier team does not enrich the product line, it may become a OEM role, and the gross profit will gradually decrease; Suppliers who mainly rely on intelligent cockpit solutions and supplement their layout with modules may fade out of the market.


Driven by intelligent vision and perception, 2023 will be a year of great transformation in the automotive industry.
