






2月25日,德國總理奧拉夫·舒爾茨(Olaf Scholz)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)印度,會(huì )后的聯(lián)合聲明顯示,德印雙方希望進(jìn)一步加強歐盟與印度之間的貿易關(guān)系其中重點(diǎn)提到加強在農業(yè)和綠色能源方面的合作。


會(huì )后,德國太陽(yáng)能產(chǎn)業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )(German Solar Industry Association)便和印度綠色就業(yè)技能委員會(huì )(Indian Skill Council for Green Jobs)在德里簽署了一項聯(lián)合協(xié)議。



據了解,德國未來(lái)每年需要新增超過(guò)20GW的光伏裝機量(約20227.19GW的三倍),才能在十年內實(shí)現的該國的太陽(yáng)能建設目標然而目前德國乃至歐洲大量缺乏從事光伏系統安裝的技術(shù)工人。德國光伏產(chǎn)業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )表示,如果僅靠本土培育相關(guān)技工,短期內仍然無(wú)法彌補安裝短缺需求。


因此聯(lián)合協(xié)議就涉及到計劃從印度引進(jìn)光伏安裝技術(shù)工人。印度可再生能源部表示,將及時(shí)發(fā)起過(guò)一項培訓計劃,年輕電工在經(jīng)過(guò)三個(gè)月培訓后可以成為“suryamitra”(太陽(yáng)能工作者)。如果德國聯(lián)邦政府和德國太陽(yáng)能工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )能夠合理安排,這些印度技工也將為德國的光伏擴建計劃做出貢獻。


迄今為止,印度基于龐大的人口基數,首期完成培訓課程suryamitra”將會(huì )超過(guò)51000對此,德國國務(wù)秘書(shū)烏多·菲利普(Udo Philipp)表示道,“在德國為太陽(yáng)能行業(yè)安排訓練有素的專(zhuān)家對我們的能源轉型非常重要。”



為了使國外技術(shù)工人最早在夏天就能抵達德國,德國太陽(yáng)能工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )整合技術(shù)專(zhuān)家、聯(lián)邦經(jīng)濟事務(wù)和氣候保護部、德國工商會(huì )、聯(lián)邦就業(yè)局,和印度商會(huì )積極配合,依靠新的移民法,以促進(jìn)外國技術(shù)工人盡快融入德國太陽(yáng)能產(chǎn)業(yè)。


To Fill the shortage of photovoltaic installation workers, Germany introduces Indian skilled workers


Germany continues to relax immigration laws and attract highly skilled foreign workers.


On February 25th, German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz visited India. A joint statement after the meeting showed that Germany and India hope to further strengthen trade relations between the EU and India, with a focus on strengthening cooperation in agriculture and green energy.


After the meeting, the German Solar Industry Association and the Indian Skill Council for Green Jobs signed a joint agreement in Delhi.


It is understood that Germany will need to add over 20GW of photovoltaic installed capacity each year in the future (about three times the 7.19GW in 2022) in order to achieve the country's solar energy construction goal within ten years. However, there is currently a large shortage of skilled workers engaged in photovoltaic system installation in Germany and even Europe. The German Photovoltaic Industry Association stated that if we rely solely on local cultivation of relevant technicians, we will still not be able to make up for the shortage of installation demand in the short term.


Therefore, the joint agreement involves plans to introduce photovoltaic installation technicians from India. The Indian Ministry of Renewable Energy has stated that a training program will be launched in a timely manner, allowing young electricians to become 'suryamitra' (solar energy workers) after three months of training. If the German federal government and the German Solar Industry Association can make reasonable arrangements, these Indian technicians will also contribute to Germany's photovoltaic expansion plan.


So far, based on India's large population base, the number of "suryamitra" who have completed their first training course will exceed 51000. In response, German State Secretary Udo Philipp stated, "It is very important for our energy transformation to arrange well-trained experts for the solar energy industry in Germany.


In order to ensure that foreign skilled workers can arrive in Germany as early as summer, the German Solar Industry Association integrates technical experts, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, the German Chamber of Commerce, the Federal Employment Agency, and the Indian Chamber of Commerce to actively cooperate and rely on new immigration laws to promote the rapid integration of foreign skilled workers into the German solar industry.
